I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17 (NIV)
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalm 34:18 (NIV)
The God we serve is a God of restoration. When reading Scripture, there is one claim that can’t be argued. It is that God desires His children to walk in wholeness and healing. If you could sum up the entire story of the Bible in four words it would be this: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration. These four words represent the plan of God from Genesis to Revelation. His plan is to redeem us from our fallenness and brokenness and restore us to how He intended all of mankind to be. While the ultimate restoration of both our bodies and souls will happen when we are united with Christ after death, we are still promised healing in this life now. Let’s contend for God to send his healing power in our church to heal those afflicted with physical pain and emotional wounds.
God, we believe that You are the way-maker, promise-keeper, and miracle-worker. We pray that You send a wave of Your healing power in the life of Red Hills Church to heal physical ailments and emotional wounds. We pray against sickness and cancer, and we ask for You do the miraculous. We pray that You would pour out Your joy and peace to those suffering from anxiety and depression. We pray for those who experience mother wounds or father wounds, that they would encounter Your true love, forgiveness, and acceptance. God, we look to You as our first response, not our last resort. You are the Great Physician. In the name of Your great and glorious son, Jesus Christ. Amen.