Update from June 16, 2022

  • On June 12, Pastor David Eddy from our Northwest Foursquare Team shared with our church family that with prayer and discernment, Pastor Lane Greenleaf-Perez will be the next Lead Pastor of Red Hills Church! Pastor Lane currently serves as the Youth Director and Young Adults Pastor at B4Church (Beaverton Foursquare).

  • Pastor Lane, along with his wife, Jayna, and son, William, will be joining our church family on July 10, as members from our Foursquare district will pray and install him as the new leader of Red Hills Church.

  • The Greenleaf-Perez Family prepared a video to say hello to our church that was shown on June 12, which you can view below. You can also watch Pastor David Eddy’s full introduction during our online gathering here.

Update from June 2, 2022

  • Dan Busch from our church council has prepared a video update for our church, which you can view below.

  • If you were unable to attend last Sunday, our church council encourages you to watch Pastor Brett’s message entitled “Wait and Pray” on our YouTube channel.

  • Continue to pray for our Northwest District Team and our church council, as they work closely together during this season. We hope to share updates on our Lead Pastor search soon. Pray for our next Lead Pastor as they sense God’s calling on their life for our community.

Update from May 19, 2022

  • This Sunday, May 22, we will share our final goodbyes with Pastors Aaron and Brianne. We encourage you to attend our gatherings in person to hear Pastor Aaron’s farewell message to our church family and then join us in the afternoon for a Send-Off Open House from 12-4PM. Continue to pray for them as they prepare to move and take the next steps in their new adventure.

  • The Northwest Foursquare District team is working diligently on narrowing down candidates and prayerfully searching for our next Lead Pastor. Pray for our next Lead Pastor to have guidance and peace. Pray for our leadership team to have Godly discernment as they oversee this process. We know God will be faithful to bring the called person to our community!

  • Continue to pray for our Pastors and staff as they serve our church family during this interim season. Pray for clarity, protection, and added strength to walk with our church during this time.


Update from May 5, 2022

  • This week, we have included two videos. One from our Northwest Foursquare Associate District Supervisor, David Eddy, who is overseeing our Lead Pastor transition. The second is from Dan Busch on our church council.

  • Our church council has prepared introductions to help share who is currently on our council and learn more about each of them.

  • As a reminder, we will have an open house to share goodbyes with Pastors Aaron and Brianne on May 22 from 12-4pm at the church.

  • We do not currently have a Lead Pastor candidate. Please continue to join us in prayer during this season of transition.

Red Hills Church Council

Name: Polly Siler
Family: Married to Larry. Kids - Tim & Todd
Years at Red Hills: 30 years
Dream Teams: Meals Ministry & Guest Services
Vocation: Development & Growth Director

Name: Ken Cuddeford
Family: Married to Shalom. Kids - Taylor (29) & AJ (25)
Years at Red Hills: 28 years
Dream Teams: Tribes Host, Production Team
Vocation: Business Owner

Name: Casey Kanen
Family: Married to Tabitha. Kid - Jace (11 months)
Years at Red Hills: 16 years
Dream Teams: Production Team
Vocation: Pharmacy Administration Project Coordinator & Providence 

Name: Dan Busch
Family: Married to Sandra. Kids - Hannah (25) & Bryant Quinn, James (21) & engaged to Olivia Croft, and Emily (18)
Years at Red Hills: 20 years
Dream Team: One Family BBQ DJ & formerly Guest Services
Vocation: Assistant Superintendent for the Silver Falls School District

Name: Jon Grover
Family: Married to Dana. Kids - Ella (12) & Judah (10)
Years at Red Hills: 17 years
Dream Teams: Worship Team & Tribes Host
Vocation: Finance Manager


Update from April 21, 2022

  • Pastors Aaron and Brianne’s last Sunday at Red Hills Church will be May 22, 2022. We will host an open house that day from 12-4 p.m. to provide space to share last hugs and goodbyes.

  • David Eddy, our Associate District Supervisor from the Foursquare Northwest District, has met with our church council to create a profile as a guideline in prayerfully searching for a potential Lead Pastor candidate. We do not have a candidate at this time. While we prepare and plan for a prompt transition, we are humbly submitting the timeline to God, and ask that you diligently join us in prayer for this interim season. Prayer points are listed below.

  • Our Communications Director, Kate Swanson, has connected with our church council and will provide updates every two weeks via email and on this webpage to keep our church family updated.

  • Prayer Points:

    • Guidance for our church council and Foursquare Northwest District Team.

    • Strength and insight for our Pastors and staff serving in this transition season.

    • Peace for Pastors Aaron and Brianne as they plan and prepare to move while finishing strong at Red Hills.

Update from April 3, 2022


Dear Red Hills Church,

Last fall, I preached a sermon from the life of Moses called There’s Always a Season. It was about the reality that, as humans, we are perpetually moving from one season to another. Instead of resisting the season you’re in, I challenged you to embrace the season God has for you. In those places of embrace, we experience the Holy Spirit’s presence and power. I didn’t know it at the time, but I realize now I was preaching to myself. In the last several months, Brianne and I have felt that God has been preparing us for a new season. While we sensed a change was coming, we didn’t know exactly what that new season looked like. To be honest, it’s been a difficult journey and decision as we have faced anxiety and fear about what is next for us.

In the last few years, one thing that has become clear to us is how essential it is to be close to our extended family. Because of the circumstance we all faced, we could not be with our family (parents, brothers & sisters, grandparents) for over two years. Most of you know that Brianne and I are from the Midwest and all of our family still lives there. We feel God is calling us to move back. We are making this move without the promise of a job or a position. It’s the first time in our lives we’re moving for family and not a ministry position.

This transition has been one of the most difficult decisions we’ve ever made. We love Red Hills Church. We love Newberg. We love all of you. We have invested our hearts and lives into this community over the last nine years. We have given everything we had to our church and held nothing back. For us, walking through this change has been a grieving process. It’s hard to let go of a place and people that mean so much. For our family, for our kids, Newberg is home. 

As we begin this season of transition, I wanted to extend an invitation for you to watch our April 3 announcement. In this video, Brianne and I share more of what God is doing and what the next couple of months will look like. In the meantime, I ask of you two things. First of all, pray. Pray for our family. Pray for our church and community. Pray for our staff and Pastors. Prayer aligns our hearts to God’s perfect and pleasing will. Secondly, stay connected and engaged with what God is doing at Red Hills. Church has never been about one leader; it’s always been about one community, one body, and one people moving together on one mission.

Please know that we love each and every one of you. We believe God has a plan and destiny for you and for the future of our church.

You are loved,
Pastors Aaron & Brianne Hanson


  • Pastors Aaron and Brianne are committed to transitioning out of the Lead Pastor role with excellence in a way that sets the next pastor and the church family up for success. Their last Sunday will be May 22, 2022.

  • As part of the Foursquare Movement, our District Team has met with our church council to prayerfully search for and place a new Lead Pastor.

  • Although we firmly believe the Lord will guide and bless this process in a timely fashion, there is always the possibility that the Lord’s ways and timing are different than ours. Pastor Aaron has invited special guest speakers, many of whom have previously shared at Red Hills, for the time following his last Sunday.

  • Although a lot of effort is going into this transition process, our church council and staff desire to be fully dependent on the Lord with His guidance and direction. This is easier said than done! So pray that our leaders will seek the Lord in all the little details of this process. We want to be dependent on Him alone!

    Pray for Pastors Aaron and Brianne, as they seek to honor the Lord in graciously closing this season of their lives and starting a new season where they will continue to serve the Lord in their new location.

    Lastly, pray for the Red Hills Church family, that this transition will be smooth and well-received by all, and that it may be the start of an exciting new season.