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following Jesus from
fear to love


following Jesus from
fear to love


Next Steps

Connection at Red Hills starts in our Next Steps classes. Meet Red Hills staff, learn more about the mission of our church, and discover our hope for everyone in our church family every first and third Sunday.

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Next Steps

Connection at Red Hills starts in our Next Steps classes. Meet Red Hills staff, learn more about the mission of our church, and discover our hope for everyone in our church family every first and third Sunday.

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Citizens: Remembering Who We are During an Election Year


"My kingdom is not of this world." - Jesus 

In His Sermon On The Mount, Jesus declared, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." In our current cultural moment, peacemaking is in high demand and there seems to be a supply shortage of it. We, Christ's Church, are meant to exist in this world as representatives of a kingdom that is not of this world. We are ambassadors to a different kind of government where enemies are loved, sins are forgiven, and sacrificial lambs conquer dragons. In a cultural moment defined by an "Us vs. Them" perspective, we look to a Savior who transcends social, ideological, and political boundaries in order to bring about peace on the earth.

Join us as we explore what it means for us to be citizens of God's kingdom before we are citizens anywhere else.