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following Jesus from fear to love


following Jesus from fear to love


Next Steps

Connection at Red Hills starts in our Next Steps classes. Meet Red Hills staff, learn more about the mission of our church, and discover our hope for everyone in our church family every first and third Sunday.

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Next Steps

Connection at Red Hills starts in our Next Steps classes. Meet Red Hills staff, learn more about the mission of our church, and discover our hope for everyone in our church family every first and third Sunday.

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Dust and Breath — A Series for Lent


I once heard it said that a faithful Christian life looks like holding the grief of crucifixion in one hand and the hope of resurrection in the other. Those of us who apprentice under Jesus find ourselves constantly in the tension between the hope of God's promises and the sometimes painful realities around us and around the world. Lent is a season to embrace the grief and the gratitude of our lives. It is a time for fasting, reflection, repentance, and lament, all of which is worship unto God, given in the spirit of gratitude. In the Creation narrative in Genesis, we see God form humans from the dust and breathe his Spirit into them to give them life. We quickly learn that apart from his presence, we are but dust, but with his Spirit, we are fully alive. We are dust and breath. 

Join us during this Lenten season as we create space for the tension between grief and gratitude in our teaching series "Dust and Breath".